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Level Skill Name Spellbook Skill Level Skill Type MP HP SP Cost Description
40 Anti Magic 13 Passive 0 0 11,000 M. Def. increases by 40 and resistance to damage magic increases by 15%.
40 Anti Magic 14 Passive 0 0 11,000 M. Def. increases by 42 and resistance to damage magic increases by 15%.
40 Anti Magic 15 Passive 0 0 11,000 M. Def. increases by 43 and resistance to damage magic increases by 15%.
40 Aura Bolt 1 Magical 18 0 32,000 Inflicts non-attribute damage on the enemy using 26 Power added to M. Atk.
Range: 400
40 Aura Flare 1 Magical 34 0 16,000 Inflicts non-attribute damage on the enemy using 39 Power added to M. Atk. and increases the target's resistance to magic damage by 50% for 3 seconds during PvP.
Range: 150
40 Aura Flare 2 Magical 35 0 16,000 Inflicts non-attribute damage on the enemy using 42 Power added to M. Atk. and increases the target's resistance to magic damage by 50% for 3 seconds during PvP.
Range: 150
40 Blazing Circle 1 Magical 50 0 16,000 Spreads ring-shaped flames to inflict fire damage on nearby enemies with 29 Power added to M. Atk.
40 Blazing Circle 2 Magical 53 0 16,000 Spreads ring-shaped flames to inflict fire damage on nearby enemies with 30 Power added to M. Atk.
40 Blazing Skin 1 Magical 35 0 32,000 For 20 minutes, transfers 10% of the target's received standard short-range damage back to the enemy.
Range: 400
40 Boost Mana 3 Passive 0 0 32,000 Max MP increases by 70.
40 Clear Mind 1 Passive 0 0 32,000 MP recovery bonus is 2.6 while standing and increases to 3.2 when walking.
40 Curse Fear 1 Magical 35 0 32,000 Frightens an enemy into fleeing for 10 seconds.
Range: 600
40 Fast Spell Casting 2 Passive 0 0 32,000 Casting Spd. increases by 7%.
40 Higher Mana Gain 9 Passive 0 0 16,000 Increases the recovery rate when MP is being recovered by recharge.
40 Higher Mana Gain 10 Passive 0 0 16,000 Increases the recovery rate when MP is being recovered by recharge.
40 Prominence 1 Magical 34 0 16,000 Ignites flames to inflict fire damage on the enemy with 49 Power added to M. Atk.
Range: 900
40 Prominence 2 Magical 35 0 16,000 Ignites flames to inflict fire damage on the enemy with 52 Power added to M. Atk.
Range: 900
40 Robe Mastery 9 Passive 0 0 11,000 P. Def. increases by 14.5 when a robe is equipped.
40 Robe Mastery 10 Passive 0 0 11,000 P. Def. increases by 15.3 when a robe is equipped.
40 Robe Mastery 11 Passive 0 0 11,000 P. Def. increases by 16.2 when a robe is equipped.
40 Sleep 10 Magical 34 0 11,000 Causes an enemy to sleep for 30 seconds.
Range: 600
40 Sleep 11 Magical 34 0 11,000 Causes an enemy to sleep for 30 seconds.
Range: 600
40 Sleep 12 Magical 35 0 11,000 Causes an enemy to sleep for 30 seconds.
Range: 600
40 Slow 2 Magical 35 0 32,000 Decreases the enemy's movement speed by 30% for 1 minute.
Range: 600
40 Surrender To Fire 4 Magical 35 0 32,000 For 30 seconds, decreases the target's resistance to fire attacks by 20 and increases resistance to water attacks by 10.
Range: 900
40 Surrender To Wind 1 Magical 35 0 32,000 For 30 seconds, decreases the enemy's resistance to wind attacks by 20 and increases resistance to earth attacks by 10.
Range: 900
40 Weapon Mastery 10 Passive 0 0 11,000 Increases P. Atk. and M. Atk.
40 Weapon Mastery 11 Passive 0 0 11,000 Increases P. Atk. and M. Atk.
40 Weapon Mastery 12 Passive 0 0 11,000 Increases P. Atk. and M. Atk.
548,000 skill points (SP) is needed to learn all level 40 skills
44 Anti Magic 16 Passive 0 0 14,000 M. Def. increases by 46 and resistance to damage magic increases by 15%.
44 Anti Magic 17 Passive 0 0 14,000 M. Def. increases by 47 and resistance to damage magic increases by 15%.
44 Anti Magic 18 Passive 0 0 14,000 M. Def. increases by 49 and resistance to damage magic increases by 15%.
44 Aura Bolt 2 Magical 20 0 41,000 Inflicts non-attribute damage on the enemy using 29 Power added to M. Atk.
Range: 400
44 Aura Flare 3 Magical 38 0 21,000 Inflicts non-attribute damage on the enemy using 44 Power added to M. Atk. and increases the target's resistance to magic damage by 50% for 3 seconds during PvP.
Range: 150
44 Aura Flare 4 Magical 39 0 21,000 Inflicts non-attribute damage on the enemy using 47 Power added to M. Atk. and increases the target's resistance to magic damage by 50% for 3 seconds during PvP.
Range: 150
44 Blazing Circle 3 Magical 55 0 21,000 Spreads ring-shaped flames to inflict fire damage on nearby enemies with 32 Power added to M. Atk.
44 Blazing Circle 4 Magical 59 0 21,000 Spreads ring-shaped flames to inflict fire damage on nearby enemies with 34 Power added to M. Atk.
44 Concentration 3 Magical 39 0 41,000 Decreases magic cancel damage by 36 for 20 minutes.
Range: 400
44 Curse Fear 2 Magical 39 0 41,000 Frightens an enemy into fleeing for 10 seconds.
Range: 600
44 Fast HP Recovery 2 Passive 0 0 41,000 HP recovery bonus increases by 1.6.
44 Fast Mana Recovery 3 Passive 0 0 41,000 MP recovery bonus increases by 1.9.
44 Higher Mana Gain 11 Passive 0 0 21,000 Increases the recovery rate when MP is being recovered by recharge.
44 Higher Mana Gain 12 Passive 0 0 21,000 Increases the recovery rate when MP is being recovered by recharge.
44 Prominence 3 Magical 38 0 21,000 Ignites flames to inflict fire damage on the enemy with 55 Power added to M. Atk.
Range: 900
44 Prominence 4 Magical 39 0 21,000 Ignites flames to inflict fire damage on the enemy with 58 Power added to M. Atk.
Range: 900
44 Robe Mastery 12 Passive 0 0 14,000 P. Def. increases by 17.9 when a robe is equipped.
44 Robe Mastery 13 Passive 0 0 14,000 P. Def. increases by 18.8 when a robe is equipped.
44 Robe Mastery 14 Passive 0 0 14,000 P. Def. increases by 19.8 when a robe is equipped.
44 Sleep 13 Magical 38 0 14,000 Causes an enemy to sleep for 30 seconds.
Range: 600
44 Sleep 14 Magical 38 0 14,000 Causes an enemy to sleep for 30 seconds.
Range: 600
44 Sleep 15 Magical 39 0 14,000 Causes an enemy to sleep for 30 seconds.
Range: 600
44 Sleeping Cloud 1 Magical 59 0 41,000 Causes nearby enemies to fall asleep for 30 seconds.
Range: 500
44 Slow 3 Magical 39 0 41,000 Decreases the enemy's movement speed by 30% for 1 minute.
Range: 600
44 Surrender To Fire 5 Magical 39 0 41,000 For 30 seconds, decreases the target's resistance to fire attacks by 20 and increases resistance to water attacks by 10.
Range: 900
44 Surrender To Wind 2 Magical 39 0 41,000 For 30 seconds, decreases the enemy's resistance to wind attacks by 20 and increases resistance to earth attacks by 10.
Range: 900
44 Weapon Mastery 13 Passive 0 0 14,000 Increases P. Atk. and M. Atk.
44 Weapon Mastery 14 Passive 0 0 14,000 Increases P. Atk. and M. Atk.
44 Weapon Mastery 15 Passive 0 0 14,000 Increases P. Atk. and M. Atk.
705,000 skill points (SP) is needed to learn all level 44 skills
48 Anti Magic 19 Passive 0 0 21,000 M. Def. increases by 52 and resistance to damage magic increases by 15%.
48 Anti Magic 20 Passive 0 0 21,000 M. Def. increases by 54 and resistance to damage magic increases by 15%.
48 Anti Magic 21 Passive 0 0 21,000 M. Def. increases by 56 and resistance to damage magic increases by 15%.
48 Aura Bolt 3 Magical 23 0 63,000 Inflicts non-attribute damage on the enemy using 33 Power added to M. Atk.
Range: 400
48 Aura Flare 5 Magical 42 0 32,000 Inflicts non-attribute damage on the enemy using 49 Power added to M. Atk. and increases the target's resistance to magic damage by 50% for 3 seconds during PvP.
Range: 150
48 Aura Flare 6 Magical 44 0 32,000 Inflicts non-attribute damage on the enemy using 52 Power added to M. Atk. and increases the target's resistance to magic damage by 50% for 3 seconds during PvP.
Range: 150
48 Blazing Circle 5 Magical 62 0 32,000 Spreads ring-shaped flames to inflict fire damage on nearby enemies with 36 Power added to M. Atk.
48 Blazing Circle 6 Magical 65 0 32,000 Spreads ring-shaped flames to inflict fire damage on nearby enemies with 38 Power added to M. Atk.
48 Blazing Skin 2 Magical 44 0 63,000 For 20 minutes, transfers 15% of the target's received standard short-range damage back to the enemy.
Range: 400
48 Boost Mana 4 Passive 0 0 63,000 Max MP increases by 100.
48 Cancellation 1 Magical 44 0 63,000 Removes multiple buffs from an enemy.
Range: 600
48 Clear Mind 2 Passive 0 0 63,000 MP recovery bonus is 3.2 while standing and increases to 4 when walking.
48 Curse Fear 3 Magical 44 0 63,000 Frightens an enemy into fleeing for 10 seconds.
Range: 600
48 Decay 1 Magical 65 0 63,000 Rots the enemy, doing 102 HP of damage per second for 15 seconds.
Range: 600
48 Higher Mana Gain 13 Passive 0 0 32,000 Increases the recovery rate when MP is being recovered by recharge.
48 Higher Mana Gain 14 Passive 0 0 32,000 Increases the recovery rate when MP is being recovered by recharge.
48 Prominence 5 Magical 42 0 32,000 Ignites flames to inflict fire damage on the enemy with 61 Power added to M. Atk.
Range: 900
48 Prominence 6 Magical 44 0 32,000 Ignites flames to inflict fire damage on the enemy with 65 Power added to M. Atk.
Range: 900
48 Quick Recycle 3 Passive 0 0 63,000 When using magic, re-use time decreases by 20%.
48 Robe Mastery 15 Passive 0 0 21,000 P. Def. increases by 21.7 when a robe is equipped.
48 Robe Mastery 16 Passive 0 0 21,000 P. Def. increases by 22.7 when a robe is equipped.
48 Robe Mastery 17 Passive 0 0 21,000 P. Def. increases by 23.7 when a robe is equipped.
48 Sleep 16 Magical 42 0 21,000 Causes an enemy to sleep for 30 seconds.
Range: 600
48 Sleep 17 Magical 43 0 21,000 Causes an enemy to sleep for 30 seconds.
Range: 600
48 Sleep 18 Magical 44 0 21,000 Causes an enemy to sleep for 30 seconds.
Range: 600
48 Slow 4 Magical 44 0 63,000 Decreases the enemy's movement speed by 30% for 1 minute.
Range: 600
48 Surrender To Fire 6 Magical 44 0 63,000 For 30 seconds, decreases the target's resistance to fire attacks by 20 and increases resistance to water attacks by 10.
Range: 900
48 Surrender To Wind 3 Magical 44 0 63,000 For 30 seconds, decreases the enemy's resistance to wind attacks by 20 and increases resistance to earth attacks by 10.
Range: 900
48 Weapon Mastery 16 Passive 0 0 21,000 Increases P. Atk. and M. Atk.
48 Weapon Mastery 17 Passive 0 0 21,000 Increases P. Atk. and M. Atk.
48 Weapon Mastery 18 Passive 0 0 21,000 Increases P. Atk. and M. Atk.
1,201,000 skill points (SP) is needed to learn all level 48 skills
52 Anti Magic 22 Passive 0 0 31,000 M. Def. increases by 59 and resistance to damage magic increases by 20%.
52 Anti Magic 23 Passive 0 0 31,000 M. Def. increases by 61 and resistance to damage magic increases by 20%.
52 Anti Magic 24 Passive 0 0 31,000 M. Def. increases by 63 and resistance to damage magic increases by 20%.
52 Aura Bolt 4 Magical 24 0 94,000 Inflicts non-attribute damage on the enemy using 36 Power added to M. Atk.
Range: 400
52 Aura Flare 7 Magical 45 0 47,000 Inflicts non-attribute damage on the enemy using 55 Power added to M. Atk. and increases the target's resistance to magic damage by 50% for 3 seconds during PvP.
Range: 150
52 Aura Flare 8 Magical 48 0 47,000 Inflicts non-attribute damage on the enemy using 57 Power added to M. Atk. and increases the target's resistance to magic damage by 50% for 3 seconds during PvP.
Range: 150
52 Blazing Circle 7 Magical 68 0 47,000 Spreads ring-shaped flames to inflict fire damage on nearby enemies with 40 Power added to M. Atk.
52 Blazing Circle 8 Magical 70 0 47,000 Spreads ring-shaped flames to inflict fire damage on nearby enemies with 42 Power added to M. Atk.
52 Cancellation 2 Magical 48 0 94,000 Removes multiple buffs from an enemy.
Range: 600
52 Concentration 4 Magical 48 0 94,000 Decreases magic cancel damage by 42 for 20 minutes.
Range: 400
52 Curse Fear 4 Magical 48 0 94,000 Frightens an enemy into fleeing for 10 seconds.
Range: 600
52 Fast HP Recovery 3 Passive 0 0 94,000 HP recovery bonus increases by 1.7.
52 Fast Mana Recovery 4 Passive 0 0 94,000 MP recovery bonus increases by 2.3.
52 Higher Mana Gain 15 Passive 0 0 47,000 Increases the recovery rate when MP is being recovered by recharge.
52 Higher Mana Gain 16 Passive 0 0 47,000 Increases the recovery rate when MP is being recovered by recharge.
52 Prominence 7 Magical 45 0 47,000 Ignites flames to inflict fire damage on the enemy with 68 Power added to M. Atk.
Range: 900
52 Prominence 8 Magical 48 0 47,000 Ignites flames to inflict fire damage on the enemy with 72 Power added to M. Atk.
Range: 900
52 Robe Mastery 18 Passive 0 0 31,000 P. Def. increases by 25.8 when a robe is equipped.
52 Robe Mastery 19 Passive 0 0 31,000 P. Def. increases by 26.8 when a robe is equipped.
52 Robe Mastery 20 Passive 0 0 31,000 P. Def. increases by 27.9 when a robe is equipped.
52 Sleep 19 Magical 45 0 31,000 Causes an enemy to sleep for 30 seconds.
Range: 600
52 Sleep 20 Magical 47 0 31,000 Causes an enemy to sleep for 30 seconds.
Range: 600
52 Sleep 21 Magical 48 0 31,000 Causes an enemy to sleep for 30 seconds.
Range: 600
52 Slow 5 Magical 48 0 94,000 Decreases the enemy's movement speed by 30% for 1 minute.
Range: 600
52 Surrender To Fire 7 Magical 48 0 94,000 For 30 seconds, decreases the target's resistance to fire attacks by 20 and increases resistance to water attacks by 10.
Range: 900
52 Surrender To Wind 4 Magical 48 0 94,000 For 30 seconds, decreases the enemy's resistance to wind attacks by 20 and increases resistance to earth attacks by 10.
Range: 900
52 Weapon Mastery 19 Passive 0 0 31,000 Increases P. Atk. and M. Atk.
52 Weapon Mastery 20 Passive 0 0 31,000 Increases P. Atk. and M. Atk.
52 Weapon Mastery 21 Passive 0 0 31,000 Increases P. Atk. and M. Atk.
1,594,000 skill points (SP) is needed to learn all level 52 skills
56 Anti Magic 25 Passive 0 0 37,000 M. Def. increases by 66 and resistance to damage magic increases by 20%.
56 Anti Magic 26 Passive 0 0 37,000 M. Def. increases by 68 and resistance to damage magic increases by 20%.
56 Anti Magic 27 Passive 0 0 37,000 M. Def. increases by 70 and resistance to damage magic increases by 20%.
56 Aura Bolt 5 Magical 27 0 110,000 Inflicts non-attribute damage on the enemy using 39 Power added to M. Atk.
Range: 400
56 Aura Flare 9 Magical 49 0 55,000 Inflicts non-attribute damage on the enemy using 60 Power added to M. Atk. and increases the target's resistance to magic damage by 50% for 3 seconds during PvP.
Range: 150
56 Aura Flare 10 Magical 52 0 55,000 Inflicts non-attribute damage on the enemy using 63 Power added to M. Atk. and increases the target's resistance to magic damage by 50% for 3 seconds during PvP.
Range: 150
56 Blazing Circle 9 Magical 74 0 55,000 Spreads ring-shaped flames to inflict fire damage on nearby enemies with 44 Power added to M. Atk.
56 Blazing Circle 10 Magical 77 0 55,000 Spreads ring-shaped flames to inflict fire damage on nearby enemies with 46 Power added to M. Atk.
56 Blazing Skin 3 Magical 52 0 110,000 For 20 minutes, transfers 20% of the target's received standard short-range damage back to the enemy.
Range: 400
56 Boost Mana 5 Passive 0 0 110,000 Max MP increases by 140.
56 Cancellation 3 Magical 52 0 110,000 Removes multiple buffs from an enemy.
Range: 600
56 Clear Mind 3 Passive 0 0 110,000 MP recovery bonus is 3.5 while standing and increases to 4.3 when walking.
56 Curse Fear 5 Magical 52 0 110,000 Frightens an enemy into fleeing for 10 seconds.
Range: 600
56 Decay 2 Magical 77 0 110,000 Rots the enemy, doing 125 HP of damage per second for 15 seconds.
Range: 600
56 Fast Spell Casting 3 Passive 0 0 110,000 Casting Spd. increases by 10%.
56 Higher Mana Gain 17 Passive 0 0 55,000 Increases the recovery rate when MP is being recovered by recharge.
56 Higher Mana Gain 18 Passive 0 0 55,000 Increases the recovery rate when MP is being recovered by recharge.
56 Prominence 9 Magical 49 0 55,000 Ignites flames to inflict fire damage on the enemy with 75 Power added to M. Atk.
Range: 900
56 Prominence 10 Magical 52 0 55,000 Ignites flames to inflict fire damage on the enemy with 78 Power added to M. Atk.
Range: 900
56 Robe Mastery 21 Passive 0 0 37,000 P. Def. increases by 30.1 when a robe is equipped.
56 Robe Mastery 22 Passive 0 0 37,000 P. Def. increases by 31.2 when a robe is equipped.
56 Robe Mastery 23 Passive 0 0 37,000 P. Def. increases by 32.4 when a robe is equipped.
56 Sleep 22 Magical 49 0 37,000 Causes an enemy to sleep for 30 seconds.
Range: 600
56 Sleep 23 Magical 50 0 37,000 Causes an enemy to sleep for 30 seconds.
Range: 600
56 Sleep 24 Magical 52 0 37,000 Causes an enemy to sleep for 30 seconds.
Range: 600
56 Sleeping Cloud 2 Magical 77 0 110,000 Causes nearby enemies to fall asleep for 30 seconds.
Range: 500
56 Slow 6 Magical 52 0 110,000 Decreases the enemy's movement speed by 30% for 1 minute.
Range: 600
56 Surrender To Fire 8 Magical 52 0 110,000 For 30 seconds, decreases the target's resistance to fire attacks by 20 and increases resistance to water attacks by 10.
Range: 900
56 Surrender To Wind 5 Magical 52 0 110,000 For 30 seconds, decreases the enemy's resistance to wind attacks by 20 and increases resistance to earth attacks by 10.
Range: 900
56 Weapon Mastery 22 Passive 0 0 37,000 Increases P. Atk. and M. Atk.
56 Weapon Mastery 23 Passive 0 0 37,000 Increases P. Atk. and M. Atk.
56 Weapon Mastery 24 Passive 0 0 37,000 Increases P. Atk. and M. Atk.
2,204,000 skill points (SP) is needed to learn all level 56 skills
58 Anti Magic 28 Passive 0 0 65,000 M. Def. increases by 72 and resistance to damage magic increases by 20%.
58 Anti Magic 29 Passive 0 0 65,000 M. Def. increases by 74 and resistance to damage magic increases by 20%.
58 Aura Bolt 6 Magical 28 0 129,000 Inflicts non-attribute damage on the enemy using 41 Power added to M. Atk.
Range: 400
58 Aura Flare 11 Magical 53 0 65,000 Inflicts non-attribute damage on the enemy using 64 Power added to M. Atk. and increases the target's resistance to magic damage by 50% for 3 seconds during PvP.
Range: 150
58 Aura Flare 12 Magical 54 0 65,000 Inflicts non-attribute damage on the enemy using 66 Power added to M. Atk. and increases the target's resistance to magic damage by 50% for 3 seconds during PvP.
Range: 150
58 Aura Flash 1 Magical 54 0 129,000 Inflicts non-attribute damage on nearby enemies with 49 Power added to magic power. Consumes 2 Spirit Ores. Cancel target.
58 Blazing Circle 11 Magical 80 0 129,000 Spreads ring-shaped flames to inflict fire damage on nearby enemies with 48 Power added to M. Atk.
58 Cancellation 4 Magical 54 0 129,000 Removes multiple buffs from an enemy.
Range: 600
58 Curse Fear 6 Magical 54 0 129,000 Frightens an enemy into fleeing for 10 seconds.
Range: 600
58 Fast HP Recovery 4 Passive 0 0 129,000 HP recovery bonus increases by 2.1.
58 Higher Mana Gain 19 Passive 0 0 129,000 Increases the recovery rate when MP is being recovered by recharge.
58 Prominence 11 Magical 53 0 65,000 Ignites flames to inflict fire damage on the enemy with 80 Power added to M. Atk.
Range: 900
58 Prominence 12 Magical 54 0 65,000 Ignites flames to inflict fire damage on the enemy with 82 Power added to M. Atk.
Range: 900
58 Rain of Fire 1 Magical 54 0 129,000 Supplements user's M. Atk. with 41 Power in a massive explosion that inflicts fire damage on an enemy.
Range: 500
58 Robe Mastery 24 Passive 0 0 65,000 P. Def. increases by 33.5 when a robe is equipped.
58 Robe Mastery 25 Passive 0 0 65,000 P. Def. increases by 34.7 when a robe is equipped.
58 Sleep 25 Magical 53 0 65,000 Causes an enemy to sleep for 30 seconds.
Range: 600
58 Sleep 26 Magical 54 0 65,000 Causes an enemy to sleep for 30 seconds.
Range: 600
58 Slow 7 Magical 54 0 129,000 Decreases the enemy's movement speed by 30% for 1 minute.
Range: 600
58 Surrender To Fire 9 Magical 54 0 129,000 For 30 seconds, decreases the target's resistance to fire attacks by 20 and increases resistance to water attacks by 10.
Range: 900
58 Surrender To Wind 6 Magical 54 0 129,000 For 30 seconds, decreases the enemy's resistance to wind attacks by 20 and increases resistance to earth attacks by 10.
Range: 900
58 Weapon Mastery 25 Passive 0 0 65,000 Increases P. Atk. and M. Atk.
58 Weapon Mastery 26 Passive 0 0 65,000 Increases P. Atk. and M. Atk.
2,199,000 skill points (SP) is needed to learn all level 58 skills
60 Anti Magic 30 Passive 0 0 83,000 M. Def. increases by 76 and resistance to damage magic increases by 20%.
60 Anti Magic 31 Passive 0 0 83,000 M. Def. increases by 78 and resistance to damage magic increases by 20%.
60 Aura Bolt 7 Magical 28 0 167,000 Inflicts non-attribute damage on the enemy using 43 Power added to M. Atk.
Range: 400
60 Aura Flare 13 Magical 55 0 83,000 Inflicts non-attribute damage on the enemy using 67 Power added to M. Atk. and increases the target's resistance to magic damage by 50% for 3 seconds during PvP.
Range: 150
60 Aura Flare 14 Magical 55 0 83,000 Inflicts non-attribute damage on the enemy using 68 Power added to M. Atk. and increases the target's resistance to magic damage by 50% for 3 seconds during PvP.
Range: 150
60 Blazing Circle 12 Magical 83 0 167,000 Spreads ring-shaped flames to inflict fire damage on nearby enemies with 50 Power added to M. Atk.
60 Boost Mana 6 Passive 0 0 167,000 Max MP increases by 150.
60 Cancellation 5 Magical 55 0 167,000 Removes multiple buffs from an enemy.
Range: 600
60 Concentration 5 Magical 55 0 167,000 Decreases magic cancel damage by 48 for 20 minutes.
Range: 400
60 Curse Fear 7 Magical 55 0 167,000 Frightens an enemy into fleeing for 10 seconds.
Range: 600
60 Fast Mana Recovery 5 Passive 0 0 167,000 MP recovery bonus increases by 2.7.
60 Higher Mana Gain 20 Passive 0 0 167,000 Increases the recovery rate when MP is being recovered by recharge.
60 Prominence 13 Magical 55 0 83,000 Ignites flames to inflict fire damage on the enemy with 84 Power added to M. Atk.
Range: 900
60 Prominence 14 Magical 55 0 83,000 Ignites flames to inflict fire damage on the enemy with 85 Power added to M. Atk.
Range: 900
60 Rain of Fire 2 Magical 55 0 167,000 Supplements user's M. Atk. with 43 Power in a massive explosion that inflicts fire damage on an enemy.
Range: 500
60 Robe Mastery 26 Passive 0 0 83,000 P. Def. increases by 35.9 when a robe is equipped.
60 Robe Mastery 27 Passive 0 0 83,000 P. Def. increases by 37.1 when a robe is equipped.
60 Sleep 27 Magical 55 0 83,000 Causes an enemy to sleep for 30 seconds.
Range: 600
60 Sleep 28 Magical 55 0 83,000 Causes an enemy to sleep for 30 seconds.
Range: 600
60 Slow 8 Magical 55 0 167,000 Decreases the enemy's movement speed by 30% for 1 minute.
Range: 600
60 Surrender To Fire 10 Magical 55 0 167,000 For 30 seconds, decreases the target's resistance to fire attacks by 20 and increases resistance to water attacks by 10.
Range: 900
60 Surrender To Wind 7 Magical 55 0 167,000 For 30 seconds, decreases the enemy's resistance to wind attacks by 20 and increases resistance to earth attacks by 10.
Range: 900
60 Weapon Mastery 27 Passive 0 0 83,000 Increases P. Atk. and M. Atk.
60 Weapon Mastery 28 Passive 0 0 83,000 Increases P. Atk. and M. Atk.
3,000,000 skill points (SP) is needed to learn all level 60 skills
62 Anti Magic 32 Passive 0 0 110,000 M. Def. increases by 80 and resistance to damage magic increases by 20%.
62 Anti Magic 33 Passive 0 0 110,000 M. Def. increases by 82 and resistance to damage magic increases by 20%.
62 Aura Bolt 8 Magical 29 0 220,000 Inflicts non-attribute damage on the enemy using 45 Power added to M. Atk.
Range: 400
62 Aura Flare 15 Magical 57 0 110,000 Inflicts non-attribute damage on the enemy using 70 Power added to M. Atk. and increases the target's resistance to magic damage by 50% for 3 seconds during PvP.
Range: 150
62 Aura Flare 16 Magical 58 0 110,000 Inflicts non-attribute damage on the enemy using 71 Power added to M. Atk. and increases the target's resistance to magic damage by 50% for 3 seconds during PvP.
Range: 150
62 Aura Flash 2 Magical 58 0 220,000 Inflicts non-attribute damage on nearby enemies with 53 Power added to magic power. Consumes 2 Spirit Ores. Cancel target.
62 Blazing Circle 13 Magical 87 0 220,000 Spreads ring-shaped flames to inflict fire damage on nearby enemies with 52 Power added to M. Atk.
62 Cancellation 6 Magical 58 0 220,000 Removes multiple buffs from an enemy.
Range: 600
62 Clear Mind 4 Passive 0 0 220,000 MP recovery bonus is 4.1 while standing and increases to 5.1 when walking.
62 Curse Fear 8 Magical 58 0 220,000 Frightens an enemy into fleeing for 10 seconds.
Range: 600
62 Higher Mana Gain 21 Passive 0 0 220,000 Increases the recovery rate when MP is being recovered by recharge.
62 Prominence 15 Magical 57 0 110,000 Ignites flames to inflict fire damage on the enemy with 87 Power added to M. Atk.
Range: 900
62 Prominence 16 Magical 58 0 110,000 Ignites flames to inflict fire damage on the enemy with 89 Power added to M. Atk.
Range: 900
62 Rain of Fire 3 Magical 58 0 220,000 Supplements user's M. Atk. with 45 Power in a massive explosion that inflicts fire damage on an enemy.
Range: 500
62 Robe Mastery 28 Passive 0 0 110,000 P. Def. increases by 38.4 when a robe is equipped.
62 Robe Mastery 29 Passive 0 0 110,000 P. Def. increases by 39.6 when a robe is equipped.
62 Sleep 29 Magical 57 0 110,000 Causes an enemy to sleep for 30 seconds.
Range: 600
62 Sleep 30 Magical 58 0 110,000 Causes an enemy to sleep for 30 seconds.
Range: 600
62 Sleeping Cloud 3 Magical 87 0 220,000 Causes nearby enemies to fall asleep for 30 seconds.
Range: 500
62 Slow 9 Magical 58 0 220,000 Decreases the enemy's movement speed by 30% for 1 minute.
Range: 600
62 Surrender To Fire 11 Magical 58 0 220,000 For 30 seconds, decreases the target's resistance to fire attacks by 20 and increases resistance to water attacks by 10.
Range: 900
62 Surrender To Wind 8 Magical 58 0 220,000 For 30 seconds, decreases the enemy's resistance to wind attacks by 20 and increases resistance to earth attacks by 10.
Range: 900
62 Weapon Mastery 29 Passive 0 0 110,000 Increases P. Atk. and M. Atk.
62 Weapon Mastery 30 Passive 0 0 110,000 Increases P. Atk. and M. Atk.
3,960,000 skill points (SP) is needed to learn all level 62 skills
64 Anti Magic 34 Passive 0 0 140,000 M. Def. increases by 84 and resistance to damage magic increases by 25%.
64 Anti Magic 35 Passive 0 0 140,000 M. Def. increases by 86 and resistance to damage magic increases by 25%.
64 Aura Bolt 9 Magical 30 0 280,000 Inflicts non-attribute damage on the enemy using 46 Power added to M. Atk.
Range: 400
64 Aura Flare 17 Magical 59 0 140,000 Inflicts non-attribute damage on the enemy using 72 Power added to M. Atk. and increases the target's resistance to magic damage by 50% for 3 seconds during PvP.
Range: 150
64 Aura Flare 18 Magical 60 0 140,000 Inflicts non-attribute damage on the enemy using 74 Power added to M. Atk. and increases the target's resistance to magic damage by 50% for 3 seconds during PvP.
Range: 150
64 Blazing Circle 14 Magical 89 0 280,000 Spreads ring-shaped flames to inflict fire damage on nearby enemies with 55 Power added to M. Atk.
64 Cancellation 7 Magical 60 0 280,000 Removes multiple buffs from an enemy.
Range: 600
64 Curse Fear 9 Magical 60 0 280,000 Frightens an enemy into fleeing for 10 seconds.
Range: 600
64 Decay 3 Magical 89 0 280,000 Rots the enemy, doing 144 HP of damage per second for 15 seconds.
Range: 600
64 Fast HP Recovery 5 Passive 0 0 280,000 HP recovery bonus increases by 2.6.
64 Higher Mana Gain 22 Passive 0 0 280,000 Increases the recovery rate when MP is being recovered by recharge.
64 Prominence 17 Magical 59 0 140,000 Ignites flames to inflict fire damage on the enemy with 90 Power added to M. Atk.
Range: 900
64 Prominence 18 Magical 60 0 140,000 Ignites flames to inflict fire damage on the enemy with 92 Power added to M. Atk.
Range: 900
64 Rain of Fire 4 Magical 60 0 280,000 Supplements user's M. Atk. with 46 Power in a massive explosion that inflicts fire damage on an enemy.
Range: 500
64 Robe Mastery 30 Passive 0 0 140,000 P. Def. increases by 40.8 when a robe is equipped.
64 Robe Mastery 31 Passive 0 0 140,000 P. Def. increases by 42.1 when a robe is equipped.
64 Sleep 31 Magical 59 0 140,000 Causes an enemy to sleep for 30 seconds.
Range: 600
64 Sleep 32 Magical 60 0 140,000 Causes an enemy to sleep for 30 seconds.
Range: 600
64 Slow 10 Magical 60 0 280,000 Decreases the enemy's movement speed by 30% for 1 minute.
Range: 600
64 Surrender To Fire 12 Magical 60 0 280,000 For 30 seconds, decreases the target's resistance to fire attacks by 20 and increases resistance to water attacks by 10.
Range: 900
64 Surrender To Wind 9 Magical 60 0 280,000 For 30 seconds, decreases the enemy's resistance to wind attacks by 20 and increases resistance to earth attacks by 10.
Range: 900
64 Weapon Mastery 31 Passive 0 0 140,000 Increases P. Atk. and M. Atk.
64 Weapon Mastery 32 Passive 0 0 140,000 Increases P. Atk. and M. Atk.
4,760,000 skill points (SP) is needed to learn all level 64 skills
66 Anti Magic 36 Passive 0 0 180,000 M. Def. increases by 88 and resistance to damage magic increases by 25%.
66 Anti Magic 37 Passive 0 0 180,000 M. Def. increases by 91 and resistance to damage magic increases by 25%.
66 Aura Bolt 10 Magical 32 0 370,000 Inflicts non-attribute damage on the enemy using 48 Power added to M. Atk.
Range: 400
66 Aura Flare 19 Magical 60 0 180,000 Inflicts non-attribute damage on the enemy using 75 Power added to M. Atk. and increases the target's resistance to magic damage by 50% for 3 seconds during PvP.
Range: 150
66 Aura Flare 20 Magical 62 0 180,000 Inflicts non-attribute damage on the enemy using 77 Power added to M. Atk. and increases the target's resistance to magic damage by 50% for 3 seconds during PvP.
Range: 150
66 Aura Flash 3 Magical 62 0 370,000 Inflicts non-attribute damage on nearby enemies with 58 Power added to magic power. Consumes 3 Spirit Ores. Cancel target.
66 Blazing Circle 15 Magical 93 0 370,000 Spreads ring-shaped flames to inflict fire damage on nearby enemies with 57 Power added to M. Atk.
66 Boost Mana 7 Passive 0 0 370,000 Max MP increases by 180.
66 Cancellation 8 Magical 62 0 370,000 Removes multiple buffs from an enemy.
Range: 600
66 Curse Fear 10 Magical 62 0 370,000 Frightens an enemy into fleeing for 10 seconds.
Range: 600
66 Higher Mana Gain 23 Passive 0 0 370,000 Increases the recovery rate when MP is being recovered by recharge.
66 Prominence 19 Magical 60 0 180,000 Ignites flames to inflict fire damage on the enemy with 94 Power added to M. Atk.
Range: 900
66 Prominence 20 Magical 62 0 180,000 Ignites flames to inflict fire damage on the enemy with 96 Power added to M. Atk.
Range: 900
66 Rain of Fire 5 Magical 62 0 370,000 Supplements user's M. Atk. with 48 Power in a massive explosion that inflicts fire damage on an enemy.
Range: 500
66 Robe Mastery 32 Passive 0 0 180,000 P. Def. increases by 43.4 when a robe is equipped.
66 Robe Mastery 33 Passive 0 0 180,000 P. Def. increases by 44.7 when a robe is equipped.
66 Seed of Fire 1 Magical 250 0 370,000 Uses fire energy to increase user's fire attack level by 20.
66 Sleep 33 Magical 60 0 180,000 Causes an enemy to sleep for 30 seconds.
Range: 600
66 Sleep 34 Magical 62 0 180,000 Causes an enemy to sleep for 30 seconds.
Range: 600
66 Sleeping Cloud 4 Magical 93 0 370,000 Causes nearby enemies to fall asleep for 30 seconds.
Range: 500
66 Slow 11 Magical 62 0 370,000 Decreases the enemy's movement speed by 30% for 1 minute.
Range: 600
66 Surrender To Fire 13 Magical 62 0 370,000 For 30 seconds, decreases the target's resistance to fire attacks by 20 and increases resistance to water attacks by 10.
Range: 900
66 Surrender To Wind 10 Magical 62 0 370,000 For 30 seconds, decreases the enemy's resistance to wind attacks by 20 and increases resistance to earth attacks by 10.
Range: 900
66 Weapon Mastery 33 Passive 0 0 180,000 Increases P. Atk. and M. Atk.
66 Weapon Mastery 34 Passive 0 0 180,000 Increases P. Atk. and M. Atk.
6,970,000 skill points (SP) is needed to learn all level 66 skills
68 Anti Magic 38 Passive 0 0 200,000 M. Def. increases by 93 and resistance to damage magic increases by 25%.
68 Anti Magic 39 Passive 0 0 200,000 M. Def. increases by 95 and resistance to damage magic increases by 25%.
68 Aura Bolt 11 Magical 33 0 410,000 Inflicts non-attribute damage on the enemy using 50 Power added to M. Atk.
Range: 400
68 Aura Flare 21 Magical 63 0 200,000 Inflicts non-attribute damage on the enemy using 78 Power added to M. Atk. and increases the target's resistance to magic damage by 50% for 3 seconds during PvP.
Range: 150
68 Aura Flare 22 Magical 64 0 200,000 Inflicts non-attribute damage on the enemy using 79 Power added to M. Atk. and increases the target's resistance to magic damage by 50% for 3 seconds during PvP.
Range: 150
68 Aura Symphony 1 Magical 250 0 410,000 User's M. Atk. is supplemented by 150 Power to inflict non-attribute damage on an enemy.
Range: 900
68 Blazing Circle 16 Magical 95 0 410,000 Spreads ring-shaped flames to inflict fire damage on nearby enemies with 58 Power added to M. Atk.
68 Cancellation 9 Magical 64 0 410,000 Removes multiple buffs from an enemy.
Range: 600
68 Clear Mind 5 Passive 0 0 410,000 MP recovery bonus is 4.7 while standing and increases to 5.8 when walking.
68 Concentration 6 Magical 64 0 410,000 Decreases magic cancel damage by 53 for 20 minutes.
Range: 400
68 Curse Fear 11 Magical 64 0 410,000 Frightens an enemy into fleeing for 10 seconds.
Range: 600
68 Fast Mana Recovery 6 Passive 0 0 410,000 MP recovery bonus increases by 3.1.
68 Higher Mana Gain 24 Passive 0 0 410,000 Increases the recovery rate when MP is being recovered by recharge.
68 Prominence 21 Magical 63 0 200,000 Ignites flames to inflict fire damage on the enemy with 97 Power added to M. Atk.
Range: 900
68 Prominence 22 Magical 64 0 200,000 Ignites flames to inflict fire damage on the enemy with 99 Power added to M. Atk.
Range: 900
68 Rain of Fire 6 Magical 64 0 410,000 Supplements user's M. Atk. with 50 Power in a massive explosion that inflicts fire damage on an enemy.
Range: 500
68 Robe Mastery 34 Passive 0 0 200,000 P. Def. increases by 45.9 when a robe is equipped.
68 Robe Mastery 35 Passive 0 0 200,000 P. Def. increases by 47.3 when a robe is equipped.
68 Sleep 35 Magical 63 0 200,000 Causes an enemy to sleep for 30 seconds.
Range: 600
68 Sleep 36 Magical 64 0 200,000 Causes an enemy to sleep for 30 seconds.
Range: 600
68 Slow 12 Magical 64 0 410,000 Decreases the enemy's movement speed by 30% for 1 minute.
Range: 600
68 Surrender To Fire 14 Magical 64 0 410,000 For 30 seconds, decreases the target's resistance to fire attacks by 20 and increases resistance to water attacks by 10.
Range: 900
68 Surrender To Wind 11 Magical 64 0 410,000 For 30 seconds, decreases the enemy's resistance to wind attacks by 20 and increases resistance to earth attacks by 10.
Range: 900
68 Weapon Mastery 35 Passive 0 0 200,000 Increases P. Atk. and M. Atk.
68 Weapon Mastery 36 Passive 0 0 200,000 Increases P. Atk. and M. Atk.
7,730,000 skill points (SP) is needed to learn all level 68 skills
70 Anti Magic 40 Passive 0 0 260,000 M. Def. increases by 97 and resistance to damage magic increases by 30%.
70 Anti Magic 41 Passive 0 0 260,000 M. Def. increases by 99 and resistance to damage magic increases by 30%.
70 Aura Bolt 12 Magical 33 0 520,000 Inflicts non-attribute damage on the enemy using 51 Power added to M. Atk.
Range: 400
70 Aura Flare 23 Magical 64 0 260,000 Inflicts non-attribute damage on the enemy using 80 Power added to M. Atk. and increases the target's resistance to magic damage by 50% for 3 seconds during PvP.
Range: 150
70 Aura Flare 24 Magical 65 0 260,000 Inflicts non-attribute damage on the enemy using 82 Power added to M. Atk. and increases the target's resistance to magic damage by 50% for 3 seconds during PvP.
Range: 150
70 Aura Flash 4 Magical 65 0 520,000 Inflicts non-attribute damage on nearby enemies with 61 Power added to magic power. Consumes 3 Spirit Ores. Cancel target.
70 Blazing Circle 17 Magical 98 0 520,000 Spreads ring-shaped flames to inflict fire damage on nearby enemies with 60 Power added to M. Atk.
70 Cancellation 10 Magical 65 0 520,000 Removes multiple buffs from an enemy.
Range: 600
70 Curse Fear 12 Magical 65 0 520,000 Frightens an enemy into fleeing for 10 seconds.
Range: 600
70 Higher Mana Gain 25 Passive 0 0 520,000 Increases the recovery rate when MP is being recovered by recharge.
70 Inferno 1 Magical 250 0 520,000 User's M. Atk. is supplemented by 150 Power, engulfing an enemy in a fiery inferno that causes 60 HP of damage every second (for up to 15 seconds).
Range: 900
70 Prominence 23 Magical 64 0 260,000 Ignites flames to inflict fire damage on the enemy with 100 Power added to M. Atk.
Range: 900
70 Prominence 24 Magical 65 0 260,000 Ignites flames to inflict fire damage on the enemy with 102 Power added to M. Atk.
Range: 900
70 Rain of Fire 7 Magical 65 0 520,000 Supplements user's M. Atk. with 51 Power in a massive explosion that inflicts fire damage on an enemy.
Range: 500
70 Robe Mastery 36 Passive 0 0 260,000 P. Def. increases by 48.6 when a robe is equipped.
70 Robe Mastery 37 Passive 0 0 260,000 P. Def. increases by 49.9 when a robe is equipped.
70 Sleep 37 Magical 64 0 260,000 Causes an enemy to sleep for 30 seconds.
Range: 600
70 Sleep 38 Magical 65 0 260,000 Causes an enemy to sleep for 30 seconds.
Range: 600
70 Sleeping Cloud 5 Magical 98 0 520,000 Causes nearby enemies to fall asleep for 30 seconds.
Range: 500
70 Slow 13 Magical 65 0 520,000 Decreases the enemy's movement speed by 30% for 1 minute.
Range: 600
70 Surrender To Fire 15 Magical 65 0 520,000 For 30 seconds, decreases the target's resistance to fire attacks by 20 and increases resistance to water attacks by 10.
Range: 900
70 Surrender To Wind 12 Magical 65 0 520,000 For 30 seconds, decreases the enemy's resistance to wind attacks by 20 and increases resistance to earth attacks by 10.
Range: 900
70 Weapon Mastery 37 Passive 0 0 260,000 Increases P. Atk. and M. Atk.
70 Weapon Mastery 38 Passive 0 0 260,000 Increases P. Atk. and M. Atk.
9,360,000 skill points (SP) is needed to learn all level 70 skills
72 Anti Magic 42 Passive 0 0 440,000 M. Def. increases by 102 and resistance to damage magic increases by 30%.
72 Anti Magic 43 Passive 0 0 440,000 M. Def. increases by 104 and resistance to damage magic increases by 30%.
72 Aura Bolt 13 Magical 34 0 880,000 Inflicts non-attribute damage on the enemy using 53 Power added to M. Atk.
Range: 400
72 Aura Flare 25 Magical 67 0 440,000 Inflicts non-attribute damage on the enemy using 83 Power added to M. Atk. and increases the target's resistance to magic damage by 50% for 3 seconds during PvP.
Range: 150
72 Aura Flare 26 Magical 67 0 440,000 Inflicts non-attribute damage on the enemy using 84 Power added to M. Atk. and increases the target's resistance to magic damage by 50% for 3 seconds during PvP.
Range: 150
72 Blazing Circle 18 Magical 100 0 880,000 Spreads ring-shaped flames to inflict fire damage on nearby enemies with 62 Power added to M. Atk.
72 Boost Mana 8 Passive 0 0 880,000 Max MP increases by 200.
72 Cancellation 11 Magical 67 0 880,000 Removes multiple buffs from an enemy.
Range: 600
72 Curse Fear 13 Magical 67 0 880,000 Frightens an enemy into fleeing for 10 seconds.
Range: 600
72 Elemental Assault 1 Magical 250 0 880,000 User's M. Atk. is supplemented by 200 Power to inflict non-attribute damage on an enemy. Over-hit is possible.
Range: 900
72 Higher Mana Gain 26 Passive 0 0 880,000 Increases the recovery rate when MP is being recovered by recharge.
72 Prominence 25 Magical 67 0 440,000 Ignites flames to inflict fire damage on the enemy with 104 Power added to M. Atk.
Range: 900
72 Prominence 26 Magical 67 0 440,000 Ignites flames to inflict fire damage on the enemy with 105 Power added to M. Atk.
Range: 900
72 Rain of Fire 8 Magical 67 0 880,000 Supplements user's M. Atk. with 53 Power in a massive explosion that inflicts fire damage on an enemy.
Range: 500
72 Robe Mastery 38 Passive 0 0 440,000 P. Def. increases by 51.2 when a robe is equipped.
72 Robe Mastery 39 Passive 0 0 440,000 P. Def. increases by 52.5 when a robe is equipped.
72 Sleep 39 Magical 67 0 440,000 Causes an enemy to sleep for 30 seconds.
Range: 600
72 Sleep 40 Magical 67 0 440,000 Causes an enemy to sleep for 30 seconds.
Range: 600
72 Slow 14 Magical 67 0 880,000 Decreases the enemy's movement speed by 30% for 1 minute.
Range: 600
72 Surrender To Fire 16 Magical 67 0 880,000 For 30 seconds, decreases the target's resistance to fire attacks by 20 and increases resistance to water attacks by 10.
Range: 900
72 Surrender To Wind 13 Magical 67 0 880,000 For 30 seconds, decreases the enemy's resistance to wind attacks by 20 and increases resistance to earth attacks by 10.
Range: 900
72 Weapon Mastery 39 Passive 0 0 440,000 Increases P. Atk. and M. Atk.
72 Weapon Mastery 40 Passive 0 0 440,000 Increases P. Atk. and M. Atk.
14,960,000 skill points (SP) is needed to learn all level 72 skills
74 Anti Magic 44 Passive 0 0 580,000 M. Def. increases by 106 and resistance to damage magic increases by 30%.
74 Anti Magic 45 Passive 0 0 580,000 M. Def. increases by 108 and resistance to damage magic increases by 30%.
74 Aura Bolt 14 Magical 35 0 1,150,000 Inflicts non-attribute damage on the enemy using 54 Power added to M. Atk.
Range: 400
74 Aura Flare 27 Magical 68 0 580,000 Inflicts non-attribute damage on the enemy using 85 Power added to M. Atk. and increases the target's resistance to magic damage by 50% for 3 seconds during PvP.
Range: 150
74 Aura Flare 28 Magical 69 0 580,000 Inflicts non-attribute damage on the enemy using 87 Power added to M. Atk. and increases the target's resistance to magic damage by 50% for 3 seconds during PvP.
Range: 150
74 Aura Flash 5 Magical 69 0 1,150,000 Inflicts non-attribute damage on nearby enemies with 65 Power added to magic power. Consumes 4 Spirit Ores. Cancel target.
74 Blazing Circle 19 Magical 103 0 1,150,000 Spreads ring-shaped flames to inflict fire damage on nearby enemies with 64 Power added to M. Atk.
74 Cancellation 12 Magical 69 0 1,150,000 Removes multiple buffs from an enemy.
Range: 600
74 Clear Mind 6 Passive 0 0 1,150,000 MP recovery bonus is 4.9 while standing and increases to 6.2 when walking.
74 Curse Fear 14 Magical 69 0 1,150,000 Frightens an enemy into fleeing for 10 seconds.
Range: 600
74 Decay 4 Magical 103 0 1,150,000 Rots the enemy, doing 157 HP of damage per second for 15 seconds.
Range: 600
74 Fast HP Recovery 6 Passive 0 0 1,150,000 HP recovery bonus increases by 2.7.
74 Fast Mana Recovery 7 Passive 0 0 1,150,000 MP recovery bonus increases by 3.4.
74 Higher Mana Gain 27 Passive 0 0 1,150,000 Increases the recovery rate when MP is being recovered by recharge.
74 Prominence 27 Magical 68 0 580,000 Ignites flames to inflict fire damage on the enemy with 107 Power added to M. Atk.
Range: 900
74 Prominence 28 Magical 69 0 580,000 Ignites flames to inflict fire damage on the enemy with 108 Power added to M. Atk.
Range: 900
74 Rain of Fire 9 Magical 69 0 1,150,000 Supplements user's M. Atk. with 54 Power in a massive explosion that inflicts fire damage on an enemy.
Range: 500
74 Robe Mastery 40 Passive 0 0 580,000 P. Def. increases by 53.9 when a robe is equipped.
74 Robe Mastery 41 Passive 0 0 580,000 P. Def. increases by 55.2 when a robe is equipped.
74 Sleep 41 Magical 68 0 580,000 Causes an enemy to sleep for 30 seconds.
Range: 600
74 Sleep 42 Magical 69 0 580,000 Causes an enemy to sleep for 30 seconds.
Range: 600
74 Slow 15 Magical 69 0 1,150,000 Decreases the enemy's movement speed by 30% for 1 minute.
Range: 600
74 Surrender To Fire 17 Magical 69 0 1,150,000 For 30 seconds, decreases the target's resistance to fire attacks by 20 and increases resistance to water attacks by 10.
Range: 900
74 Surrender To Wind 14 Magical 69 0 1,150,000 For 30 seconds, decreases the enemy's resistance to wind attacks by 20 and increases resistance to earth attacks by 10.
Range: 900
74 Weapon Mastery 41 Passive 0 0 580,000 Increases P. Atk. and M. Atk.
74 Weapon Mastery 42 Passive 0 0 580,000 Increases P. Atk. and M. Atk.
Level Skill Name Spellbook Skill Level Skill Type MP HP SP Cost Description
76 Sigil Mastery 1 Passive 0 0 12,500,000 When a Sigil is equipped, increases M. Atk. by 4% and MP recovery bonus by 17%.
76 Wisdom 1 Passive 0 0 12,500,000 Increases resistance to hold, sleep and altered state mind attacks by 20.
25,000,000 skill points (SP) is needed to learn all level 76 skills
77 Fire Vortex 1 Magical 105 0 18,000,000 Summons a dimensional vortex that inflicts fire damage on the enemy, supplementing user's magical power with 140 Power. For 30 seconds, decreases movement speed by 10%, Atk. Spd. by 30%, Casting Spd. by 10%, and resistance to fire by 20. Consumes 12 MP every second. Over-hit is possible.
Range: 900
77 Skill Mastery 1 Passive 0 0 18,000,000 Depending on user's STR, the re-use time resets or the duration doubles.
36,000,000 skill points (SP) is needed to learn all level 77 skills
78 Arcane Chaos 1 Magical 72 0 21,340,000 For 30 seconds, decreases resistance to the enemy's buff-canceling attacks by 30%, resistance to de-buff attacks by 30% and drains 24 MP every second. Increases physical skill MP consumption by 10% and magic skill MP consumption by 30%.
Range: 600
78 Arcane Power 1 Toggle 36 0 21,340,000 Maximizes magic efficiency by increasing M. Atk. by 30% and MP consumption by 10%. Every second, 50 HP is consumed.
78 Arcane Roar 1 Passive 0 0 21,340,000 Increases resistance to fire, water, wind or earth damage by 5 and M. Atk. by 3%.
64,020,000 skill points (SP) is needed to learn all level 78 skills
79 Count of Fire 1 Magical 109 0 80,000,000 Uses the power of fire to burn an enemy for 10 seconds, inflicting damage of 173 HP per second.
Range: 900
79 Fire Vortex Buster 1 Magical 108 0 80,000,000 Detonates a Fire Vortex that inflicts fire damage on the enemy with 195 Power added to user's M. Atk.
Range: 900
160,000,000 skill points (SP) is needed to learn all level 79 skills
80 Volcano 1 Magical 36 0 150,000,000 Continuously inflicts powerful fire damage. User cannot move while casting, and there is additional MP consumption each time the effect occurs. Consumes 1 Magic Symbol.
Range: 900
150,000,000 skill points (SP) is needed to learn all level 80 skills
81 Enlightenment 1 Magical 73 0 0 User receives mystical enlightenment for 20 seconds, increasing M. Atk. by 40%, Casting Spd. by 50% and magic critical attack rate by 50%, and decreasing MP consumption by 90%.
81 Magician's Will 1 Passive 0 0 0 Increases magical power by 5%, Casting Spd. by 5% and magical critical damage rate by 5%. Decreases MP consumption by 5%.
81 Meteor 1 Magical 72 0 0 Crashes meteors down to inflict continuous fire damage near the enemy with Power 117.
Range: 600
0 skill points (SP) is needed to learn all level 81 skills
82 Protection of Alignment 1 Passive 0 0 0 Resistance to tendency attributes is increased by 20, and when damage is incurred, M. Def. and resistance to elemental attributes are additionally increased instantly depending on the probability.
82 Protection of Elemental 1 Passive 0 0 0 Resistance to elemental attributes is increased by 20, and when damage is incurred, M. Def. and resistance to elemental attributes are additionally increased instantly depending on the probability.
82 Protection of Rune 1 Passive 0 0 0 M. Def. is increased by 15%, and when damage is incurred, additional M. Def. and resistance to attributes are increased instantly depending on the probability.
0 skill points (SP) is needed to learn all level 82 skills
83 Flame Armor 1 Magical 37 0 0 Encloses the body with a burning barrier. For 20 minutes, increases resistance to fire attacks by 10 and causes burn damage on the attacking enemy.
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