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Квест на S рецепты одежки
Достало все!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Кому фан, а остальные страдают.
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Достали вары.
Вы говорите делать квест.
А как его делать если варов пол сервера. Туда даже попасть сложно, что бы тебя не слили.
А на НОБ ТП сами попробуйте попинать генералов БД, долго очень, да и вары частенько заглядывают туда в последнее время.
Вобщем квест самому делать невозможно.
Или вы обеспечиваете прикритие, или я занимаюсь другими квестами там где вары не гоняют!
Посидите со мной хоть раз пока я 750 мобов напинаю) и это всего 1 S рецепт конечности. Хотите тело - это 2500 итемов. Вот так.
Надо собирать маго пати ибо быстрее их могут зафармить токо дестры но...маги могут дать сурьёзный отпор всякм даггер ганкам (ибо дестры проста напросто не догонят) |
Помощь в прохождении подобных квестов - это действительно проблема...
Надо помогать в обязательном порядке.
П.С. этот раздел сделан только для описания самих квестов. Надо чтобы тему перенесли в совет клана. |
к этому я намерен одевать снова некра и бегать с Горгоной |
Чем опять бесполезно умничать дали бы официальный ответ Легаси по поводу Баюма, я опять просто так чтобы пара сокланов сделали квест на саб на этаже стоять не собираюсь. |
Если успею покрасить тряпку, то постараюсь быть на Баюме ради фарма его.
С легаси должны говорить либо Абр, либо Ванька. |
Несколько раз искал Горгону в игре ятоб идти делать квест. К сожеалению удалось только 2 раза ито во втором разе отрубили Инет. Саня, поставь туда варка с ТП. Я помочь не против, Абр вообще грил, что он делает квест и все там ок. короче говоря, нужно ходить вместе магами+ЕЕ+ШЕ+БД Горгона. Таким образом накилять 700 мобов можно за 1-2 часа. |
У кого есть наиболее полное описание квестов на Ы, прошу залить сюда. Всему остальному, что не касается обсуждения конкретного квеста - место клановом топике. Приеду - перенесу. |
Для начала описание на английском. позже постараюсь найти на русском.
Alliance with the Ketra Orcs
Start Level : 74
Start Location: Ketra Orc Post
Type: Rewards, Repeatable, Party
Different rewards for different lvls of quest, lvl 5 of this quest gives random S grade armor recipe
Races: All
Classes: All
When you choose this quest you must kill Varka Silenos. Attention! While you have this quest don't hit/kill any ketra orc or don't let your party hit ketra or your quest will end and you have to start all over again.
This quest has 5 levels. As you increase the level of the alliance, you gain access to shops, raid bosses and other quests.
* when you do 3rd class transfer quests you need only level 1 and lvl 2 of this quest
1. To start the quest teleport to Ketra orcs area from Goddart and speak with Ketra's Messenger Wahkan
2. He tells you to get 100 Silenos Badges – Soldier.
Go to the Varka Silenos Outpost and hunt any of those:
100 Ketra Badge - Soldier:
Varka Silenos Recruit 50%
Varka Silenos Scout 50,9%
Varka Silenos Shaman 51,9%
Varka Silenos Hunter 52,1%
3. When you have 100 badges, return to Wahkan and he will give you the Mark of Ketra’s Alliance Level 1. You can begin the next level of the quest.
Ketra Orcs no longer agro you
1. Speak with Wahkan
2. He tells you to bring him 200 Ketra's Badge and 100 Ketra's Badge – Captain.
Get the 200 Ketra's Badge Soldier
Varka Silenos Recruit 50%
Varka Silenos Scout 50,9%
Varka Silenos Shaman 51,9%
Varka Silenos Hunter 52,1%
For the 100 Ketra's Badge – Officer hunt any of those:
Varka Silenos Priest , Varka Silenos Warrior 50%
Varka Silenos Medium 50,9%
Varka Silenos Magus Varka Silenos Officer 51,8%
Varka's Commander 62,8%
Varka's Elite Guard 60,4%
3. When you have the 200 Soldier and 100 Office badges, return to Wahkan and he will give you the Mark of Ketra’s Alliance Level 2.
-access to wherehouse
-can summon a silinos raid boss (water quest)
-take mane quest to get buffalo horns (war with the silinos quest)
-can trade 55 buffalo horns fro BROWN pouch (adena/mats so far)
*if you do 3rd class transfer your work on this quest is done - you don't need other levels of this quest 1 and 2 are enough
1. Speak with Wahkan
2. He tells you that this time you must obtain 300 Ketra's Badge – Soldier, 200 Varka's Badge – Captain, and 100 Varka's Badge – General.
Get the 300 Ketra's Badge Soldier
Varka Silenos Recruit 50%
Varka Silenos Scout 50,9%
Varka Silenos Shaman 51,9%
Varka Silenos Hunter 52,1%
For the 200 Ketra's Badge – Captain:
Varka Silenos Priest , Varka Silenos Warrior 50%
Varka Silenos Medium 50,9%
Varka Silenos Magus Varka Silenos Officer 51,8%
Varka's Commander 62,8%
Varka's Elite Guard 60,4%
And for 100 Ketra’s Badges – General kill:
Varka Silenos General Varka Silenos Great Magus 50%
Varka Silenos Great Seer 50,8%
Varka's Prophet 64,9%
Disciple Of Prophet , Prophet Guard 62,6%
Varka's Head Magus 62,7%
Varka's Head Guard 60,4%
3. Once you collect all the badges, return to Wahkan and he'll give you Mark of Ketra’s Alliance Level 3.
-can use store
-can buy buffs with buffalo horns (what a waste!)
-can buy soe orc villiage for 85 buffalo horns
-can trade 55 buffalo horns fro GREY pouch (adena/mats so far)
1. Speak with Wahkan
2. This time he asks you to bring back 300 Ketra's Badge – Soldier, 300 Ketra's Badge – Captain, 200 Ketra's Badge – General, and 1 Totem of Valor (through prove your courage quest killing Varka's Hero Shadith raid boss)
Get the 300 Ketra's Badge Soldier
Varka Silenos Recruit 50%
Varka Silenos Scout 50,9%
Varka Silenos Shaman 51,9%
Varka Silenos Hunter 52,1%
For the 300 Ketra's Badge – Captain:
Varka Silenos Priest , Varka Silenos Warrior 50%
Varka Silenos Medium 50,9%
Varka Silenos Magus Varka Silenos Officer 51,8%
Varka's Commander 62,8%
Varka's Elite Guard 60,4%
And for 200 Ketra’s Badges – General kill:
Varka Silenos General Varka Silenos Great Magus 50%
Varka Silenos Great Seer 50,8%
Varka's Prophet 64,9%
Disciple Of Prophet , Prophet Guard 62,6%
Varka's Head Magus 62,7%
Varka's Head Guard 60,4%
1 Totem of Valor (through prove your courage quest killing Varka's Hero Shadith raid boss)
3. Collect them and return to Wahkan and he will give you Mark of Varka’s Alliance Level 4.
-can use gate keeper to port to godard & rune using adena (wow so useful!)
1. Speak with Wahkan
2. Now he asks you to get badges from 400 soldiers, 400 captains, and 200 generals
Also you need 1 Totem of Wisdom (through slay enemy commander quest, kill Varka's Commander Mos )
Get the 400 Ketra's Badge Soldier
Varka Silenos Recruit 50%
Varka Silenos Scout 50,9%
Varka Silenos Shaman 51,9%
Varka Silenos Hunter 52,1%
For the 400 Ketra's Badge – Captain:
Varka Silenos Priest , Varka Silenos Warrior 50%
Varka Silenos Medium 50,9%
Varka Silenos Magus Varka Silenos Officer 51,8%
Varka's Commander 62,8%
Varka's Elite Guard 60,4%
And for 200 Ketra’s Badges – General kill:
Varka Silenos General Varka Silenos Great Magus 50%
Varka Silenos Great Seer 50,8%
Varka's Prophet 64,9%
Disciple Of Prophet , Prophet Guard 62,6%
Varka's Head Magus 62,7%
Varka's Head Guard 60,4%
more port access! wall of agross, hotsprings, and aden ports
can buy "blue or yellow cargo box" 60 buffalo hrons (300 manes)
(unknown return)
can buy "white cargo box" 150 buffalo horns (750 manes)
(unknown return)
can buy "red file cabinet" 150 buffalo horns (750 manes)
(for random S boot, glove, or helm recs)
can buy "purple file cabinet" 500 buffalo horns (2500 manes)
(for random S main armor piece rec)
Bought items with level 5 alliance (Varka or Ketra):
Looted Goods - Red Filing Cabinet
- 1x Random S grade boots, gloves, shield or helmet recipe (60%) 85%
- 340.000 Adena 15%
Looted Goods - Purple Filing Cabinet
- 1x Random S grade main armor recipe (60%) 80%
- 850.000 Adena 20%
Looted Goods - White Cargo Box
- 1x Random S grade weapon part 90%
- 330.000 Adena 10%
Looted Goods - Blue Cargo Box
- 1x Random S grade boots, glove, shield or helmet part 85%
- 292.000 Adena 15%
Looted Goods - Yellow Cargo Box
- 1x Random S grade main armor part 80%
- 93.000 Adena 20%
Looted Goods - Gray Pouch
- 4x Mold Glue 20%
- 4x Asofe 20%
- 4x Thons 20%
- 4x Mold Lubricant 10%
- 4x Enria 10%
- 4x Mold Hardener 10%
- 160.000 Adena 10%
Looted Goods - Brown Pouch
- 20x Leather 18%
- 20x Mithril Ore 16%
- 20x Cokes 10%
- 20x Coarse Bone Powder 10%
- 20x Steel 5%
- 20x Oriharukon Ore 10%
- 20x Stone of Purity 10%
- 20x Adamantite Nugget 11%
- 150.000 Adena 10%
"War with the Silions" QUEST iin which, like the badges you collect manes from the silinos. you need to be level 2 to be able to take the quest
once you get 100 manes you can trade for 20 buffalo horns, buffalo horns are the currency of the orcs, you use these to buy stuff from the trader, get buffs, they are still quest items so you cannot trade them to other players
**note: this quest seems to slow down the badge quest to upgrade your level, as you can only get a badge or a mane from a kill and not both.
Напишите время, когда вы можете.
Если сегодня не порежу Баюма он в ВАрке 4 дня будет сидеть. |
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